Nov 6, 2011

Soy Lime Fajitas

Oh boy, you guys are gonna love me for sharing this recipe with you!!!

I originally got this recipe from my cousin, April, from Sweet Ruby {check out her website, she's got super cute stuff!}.  And now we make it all the time.  Thank you, April, for introducing us to this super delicious meal!!!

And not only is this recipe super delicious, it's healthy, too.  And I love finding healthy AND delicious recipes.

1.5 to 2 lbs chicken or skirt steak, cut into strips
1 med onion, sliced
2 large peppers, different colors, sliced
1/4 cup soy sauce
1/4 cup lime juice
1 tsp chili powder
2 Tbsp oil

Combine soy sauce, lime juice, chili powder, and oil in large bag (last time I used half the oil and it was totally fine).  Slice meat and place in bag with marinade.  Let marinate for two hours in fridge.  You can freeze it at this point if you want to do a freezer meal.

Cut up your veggies in strips and set aside.  Sometimes I'll throw in some mushrooms, too, if I have them.

Cook your meat fully and remove from pan.  Cook your veggies in the same pan until softened.  I usually salt and pepper my veggies.  Add the meat back to the pan once the veggies are softened and let it heat through.

I usually buy the raw tortillas, cook them up and serve my fajitas on them.  They are so yummy!  And while the second side is cooking on the stove, I will melt a little cheese on the tortilla.

Add your meat and veggies, a little sour cream, maybe some Cholula, and you are good to go!

This is one of our go-to meals.
You should definitely give it a try!

Thank you to Bountiful Baskets for providing me with red peppers!  I love getting red peppers in my basket - it means we will be having Soy Lime Fajitas that week :)

Thanks for stopping by!
Sorry I've been a little MIA lately - I have been so busy and blogging has not been at the top of my list.  But I've got some fun new posts planned in the near future, so don't forget to come back!

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3 Nuggets of Love:

Jillian@FoodFolksandFun said... 1

This looks SO yummy, I’m book-marking this to make later! I found you via “Lil’ Luna Link Party”. I’m your newest follower and would love a “follow back”!

Have a great week,

Jillian @

The Yoder's Five said... 2

Sounds like a yummy marinade! Thanks for sharing!

Jennifer said... 3

This has made me hungry!! Yum!
Thanks for sharing at Show & Share!

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