Mar 22, 2011

Make Your Own Bird's Nest

 I have a decorative bird cage that I've had since I got married.
I wanted to use it in my spring decorating and thought a cute little bird's nest would be perfect in it.

I didn't want to spend very much money on the nest so I checked out my local Dollar Tree.  Unfortunately, I didn't find a bird's nest so I thought, why not make my own?
I was, after all, at the dollar store!

{I love how it turned out:}

Here's how I made the nest . . .

I bought a small glass bowl and two different kinds of decorative moss:

I started with the outside of the bowl.
I turned the bowl upside down and sprayed on some spray adhesive.  I took half of the bigger bag of moss (the moss on the right) and pressed it to the bowl.  

Then I turned the bowl over, sprayed the inside of it with the adhesive, and pressed the rest of the moss into the bowl.

I then took the green moss and just laid it in the nest:

There you have it!  Your own, $3.00 bird's nest!

I, of course, added some decorative elements to it:
{Found the little birdies at the dollar store, too!  The eggs were left over from a wreath I made . . . post coming soon!}

Remember how I said I wanted to put the nest inside my birdcage?
Well . . .

It was too big to go in the bottom!!!  So I just laid it in the top.  I think it still looks adorable.

I'm still playing around with how to display the birds . . .

I'm thrilled with how my $3.00 bird's nest turned out!

I'll be linking this project up with:

HookingupwithHoHmonogramlil luna link party buttonThe Girl CreativeUndertheTableandDreamingA Little Knick KnackGet Your Craft On Tuesday Lovely Crafty HomePhotobucket

13 Nuggets of Love:

Amanda said... 1

This looks fantastic, looks really good sat in the birdhouse!

my3littlebirds said... 2

Love this! Great for spring.

Unique Chiicks Creations said... 3

I love this!!

I've got a bird cage in my bedroom but it is cream, I really want to get a black one and make a nest like you have now - I might also use this idea for my sisters Easter bonnet(hat)for school!!


Anonymous said... 4

I love it, it's so fun & festive!! Plus the price tag is nice too :)

Unknown said... 5

Very cute and look expensive as well! Great job! Thanks for linking up at my party:)

The Yoder's Five said... 6

Super cute and springy!

Tonya said... 7

GREAT idea!! I just wanted a nest for my decorating! Thank you!! :)

Joy@Thrifty Parsonage Living said... 8

Very cute nest! I did one myself a few weeks ago for my living room using moss. I think they look more realistic than bought ones.

Dorian said... 9

Hi Michelle! Thanks for your sweet comment on my tee refashion! It's too bad you don't sew and really too bad you aren't on whoopdwhoop, cuz you could have had my tee for free! I have a button on my blog to the site...feeel free to check it out, it's very fun!

Unknown said... 10

I completely love this! Thank you for giving me a fab idea for my spring decorating! :)

Jen Migonis

Homeroad said... 11

Adorable! Come link up to my link party at!

Gwen @ Gwenny Penny said... 12

This is adorable. I love how simple it was, too. I think it looks great in the top of the birdcage. Those little birds are really cute.

Lina - Fancy Frugal Life said... 13

Love this idea! Super cute for spring..

Lina-fancy frugal life

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